
Z Zoccolante

嗨,露易丝。首先,我很高兴你清楚地知道你不想每天都吐,并且能够对你的父母诚实。关于你关于如何在不告诉任何人的情况下获得帮助的问题…有些取决于你的年龄。如果你是一个合法的成年人,你可以在任何时候自己寻找治疗师,你所说的话受某些保密法律的约束。不过,我猜你可能更年轻一点。有两件事我想和大家分享。首先,我花了这么长时间才恢复的原因是因为我害怕别人发现,我拒绝寻求我所需要的帮助。回想起来,我希望我能早点告诉别人安全的方法,这样他们就能帮助我得到我需要的治疗。饮食失调持续的时间越长,我们就会越来越无助(其实你不是这样的)。 My advice is to get help even if it means you have to tell people. With that being said please continue to this next part. Second, you never have to say (to your parents or anyone else the words "I have an eating disorder." Rather, you can say that you're in an unhealthy place with food or body image, and that you want to see someone to be at a healthier place again. YOU get to choose what you tell people. With your therapist however, please be as honest as you can so they can best help you on your road to health and happiness. I hope this helps. Thank you for reaching out and please let me know if you have further questions.