
我断断续续地治疗精神运动性激动已经一年多了。终于让我的新心理医生开了药。我明天开始服用。对我来说,当我坐着不动的时候,它就会蠕动,触摸我的脸,在我身体的各个地方交替发痒,用手指梳理头发,用手在椅子扶手上摩擦,以至于把它们磨出了洞。Jerkingredients运动在我的腿和躯干,耸肩......内心一直感到不安。我可以短暂地停止这些事情,如果我专注于某件事,或者如果我专注于停止。现在晚上是最糟糕的,但不管什么时候,天气都一样糟糕。这让我流泪了很多次。我认为这与我体内的多巴胺含量有关。过少就会出现上述症状,过多就会镇定。 I've come to this conclusion because I seem to be treatment resistent on several antipsychotics and the intervals between new medications has brought about circumstances that seem to support my theory. I'm bipolar 1, obsessive compulsive disorder, general anxiety disorder, agoraphobic. My psychdoc recently started new on Saphris sublingual, which for me seems like a wonder drug......however, after every increase I have had a day or two of increased restless leg syndrome marked by pain in my right hip,and an inability to keep my legs still at night, along with leg pain. Also I continue to experience psychomotor agitation off and on. In the last seven days I have experienced psychomotor agitation four of those days, not all concurrently. Sometimes just in the evening, other times in the afternoon and evening. Before my afternoon dose of Saphris, and before my evening dose of Saphris. Again, I have experienced psychomotor agitation before taking Saphris, off and on for over a year, but it has gotten worse. I hope and pray that this new medication my psychdoc prescribed will alleviate these symptoms.