
早在高中,一年或两年我在一个情感虐待关系。它一开始小,让我忽视我的朋友,跟他说24/7,让他我唯一的伴侣。然后它恶化告诉我关于其他女孩比我更具吸引力,什么女孩他会日期如果我们分手了。我知道大多数人都说这是疯狂的,你应该已经离开,但这问题,我从来没有想成为一个“女孩”的人嫉妒每一个女孩都可悲的是这是真的我。他开始作弊哦,我和我的一个好朋友,告诉我,告诉我,这是我的错。如果我试着与他分手,他就威胁自杀,就向我展示他削减自己的伤疤。我不想让他死,我不想让他死在我的手上所以我带他回来。如果我们打了他地紧紧抓住我的胳膊把我拉回,他回来我到墙壁,一度我紧紧举行了我所有的力气才离开。我能够跟他分手一段时间和请求我的朋友帮助,但他们都给它来了个下马威,让我养活自己,后来他逼我在院子里,试图吻我。他拽我的教室,我的老师谢天谢地介入。 In the end I got away but i still am trying to fix issues I have from it even after that relationship i've had several ex's cheat on me making my paranoia of women around my bf horrible i'm insanely jealous for fear of being cheated on again, I'm quick to verbally fight if a bf says something to make me feel hurt, accidentally or not, and will be upset for a few days about it, I have a bad habit of talking 24/7 to a bf and though I try not to I'm so used to it it's hard to stop. I know I'm not fully better but i'm better than I was after first leaving. Im afraid i'll never find normal since i really don't know how normal works.