
我一直在一个口头虐待关系近五年,终于结束了。我发现对我来说最难的部分是重新发现自己。我觉得我不接近我的人。听后我是一个胖,丑,邋遢,贱人,锄头,坏妈妈,和其他的名字在太阳下,它开始对我产生负面影响。我的强烈的个人和我滚下来我的肩膀一开始,慢慢地我开始怀疑我真的这个可怕的人?我开始让它给我。我知道我是一个伟大的母亲,一个美丽的人,我知道我是在我的脑海里没有这些东西。但它仍然影响我,我的自尊枯乾了。现在我在一个地方我需要找到我再次鼓起勇气,找回自己。我不想识别作为一个受害者,我想简单的做我自己。 A new start is hard but it is necessary when your partner is unwilling to change. I waited 5 years for it to change and it never did. If you feel manipulated, put down, unappreciated, & walk on egg shells, then do yourself a favor and leave. Its hard, but like the article said, the what ifs can be answered with a solution. I just got out of the situation, and a huge weight has been lifted off my chest, and i feel as if i can truly begin to heal and be myself. Yes i may cry, you get used to a lifestyle with someone but i know i can do it! I did it before them and im older and wiser and i can do it now!!! & so can you. Uplift yourself every chance you get, anytime you start putting yourself down counteract it!!!! Dont become your own abuser. I struggled with this and eveytime i doubt my self im right there with all the reassurance i need. You are your biggest cheerleader! Good luck ladies i hope this article helped you, as it did me.