
与信念相反,我从来没有遭受低自尊。不过,也许你不喜欢自己,因为它发生。它往往发生在那些外表不满意,或者那些试图给他人留下深刻印象。我不满意的人认为只是因为你害怕什么,那是因为你正在遭受低自信。我为什么要假装喜欢我吗?因为我是女人吗?可怜的假设对任何人,直到你有证据。自尊有恐惧症的方法不同。我承认自己的感觉不那么快乐的自我,当我和一个男人分手。唯一办法扭转它,把它放回属于它再次约会。 My mother taught me that relationships are important. That keeping a guy around is vital, otherwise I will suffer. Although having friends and family is good, from witnessing my mum being in all her relationships, that taught me I must always put sex first and the man first. And that anyone else, even your own children, come second.