
我最近刚从长达2年的抑郁症中走出来。可能是我经历过的最糟糕的一次。我失去了两个最亲密的朋友。其中一个是我22年的好朋友。虽然她一年前就“甩了”我,但我仍然很伤心。我一直很尊敬她。她是我女儿的教母。我们就差那么一点点。在那两年里,我有很多压力(一直害怕失业,处理我十几岁女儿的精神疾病,和一个成年子女讨厌我的男人的关系)。我终于鼓起勇气和男朋友分手,终于丢掉了工作,在差点自杀未遂之后,我的女儿终于得到了适当的治疗和药物治疗。 She's in college now doing great! My friend of 22 years believes I am a drug addict because of the "cocktail" of meds I take (which helped me finally find remission). Who do I share those memories with? I look at the pictures and remember all the good time and just cry. It boils down for both friends that I couldn't give them the attention they wanted from me. I'm a recent empty nester and single, I feel so lonely. I'm afraid to get close with anyone again. I can't take the pain.