
我已经戒掉海洛因8年了,为此我一直在使用NA。我仍然每周参加一次。我不同意你所说的“无能为力”。该计划只表明你对你的药物无能为力,而不是对我们的生活和选择无能为力。我对这个项目的问题是,它是一刀切的,并不关注个人的心理构成。我的一位赞助人告诉我,要想感觉好一点,我应该出去帮助别人,“因为瘾君子都是以自我为中心的人”。她没有意识到我每天要花8-10个小时来处理临终关怀病人的需求。我是注册护士。这代表了NA中成瘾者本质上是以自我为中心的人。我完全同意这种药物是用来自我治疗潜在的心理问题的。 I have seen people suffer with depression or personality disorders go untreated professionally. There is a stigma attached in NA to talking about "outside help" and that if you are working your program fully than you shouldn't be suffering. I hear people beat themselves up because they have a lot of clean time but still feel depressed etc.Being vocal about my opinions has also been an alienating experience. I have achieved tremendous personality growth and emotional change through twice weekly psychodynamic therapy. NA definitely helped in the early stages by giving me a place to go and talk about such a stigmatizing issue. I don't have a sponsor and am not working the steps and members see this as "not real recovery" and almost like being a "dry drunk" who abstains but doesn't change the behaviors that led to the addiction. Fortunately I have strong insight and am not very impressionable. But those who are nsive and vulnerable can be misled or damaged.