
有趣的阅读,我正在康复中,也有社会工作硕士学位。我发现没有一种方法对每个人都有效,就像没有一种抗抑郁药对每个人都有效一样。我认为把它称为一种疾病或一种状况或疾病有点无关紧要。称其为“我”的错会导致精神疾病的耻辱。我负责解决问题,而不是我的身体对酒精的反应。我相信在这方面的任何研究方法都需要考虑到成瘾者的敏锐度。重度饮酒者和问题饮酒者都被送到嗜酒者互诫协会,这对双方都是不利的。在过去的12步计划一直是心理健康专业人士的垃圾场。精神疾病和毒瘾之间一直存在着界限。我们一起工作,互相支持,这是非常重要的。 I've seen people suicide in AA possibly because they had too much pride or were told to stay away from psychiatrists. I've seen it the other way as well, people only going to therapists because they didn't want to expose themselves in a meeting only to die of their addiction. So let us keep an open mind on both sides of the issue.