

15岁时,我被一个亲戚强奸了,我把这段记忆藏了起来。23岁时,我取消了和一个男人的婚礼,当我第一次因抑郁症住院时,我的咨询师让我读关于泰德·邦迪(Ted Bundy)的书,看看他们有什么相似之处。是的,我在很小的时候就有创伤后应激障碍,但通过创伤解决疗法,相互依赖教育和DBT,我的创伤已经退居次要地位。2013年11月17日下午3点48分,龙卷风袭击了我在印第安纳州的房子。当时我不在家,但直到今天我还记得我们开车进入社区时的情景和声音。我们流离失所了3个星期,而我收养的15岁自闭症女儿只是想坐公交上学。我们的货车被邻居家的树劈成了两半,所以每个路过的人都停下来在我们的车旁拍照,做剪贴簿。但那是我的货车,停在我家旁边,扰乱了我的生活!创伤后应激障碍又复发了。但我做了心理治疗,挺过来了。 Jump to August 27, 2015 when the side wall of my bed broke around 2 am and I fell out of bed. Before I hit the floor I hit my eye on a piece of furniture and after emergency surgery with another that followed I have no sight in that eye. I am so very, very tired at this point. I wonder if my life will always have trauma. But my husband and I are foster/adoptive parents of teens many of who have PTSD. I often find myself holding my kids and telling them life will work out and it will get better. I cannot tell them this unless I really believe it but boy can life be a challenge and I never thought of my fatigue coming from my PTSD. Perhaps with this understanding I can be kinder to myself. Thank you so much for the new outlook!