
非常有用和信息丰富的网站。四年前,我和丈夫一起遭遇了一场惨烈的车祸。一只驼鹿毫无征兆地跳上了高速公路,为了避开它,他不得不急转弯。我们翻了4次。我丈夫死了,我受了伤。我被迫在14个月后逐渐重返工作岗位。这失败了很多次。然后是严重的抑郁症,现在正在慢慢地戒断药物。我已经被迫全职工作了将近一年,并不断地与一切斗争,包括严重的疲劳,到现在已经4年了。这种疲劳似乎被我的专业人士忽视了,我再也无法处理我的日常工作,因为我挣扎着起床去上班,挣扎着在整个白天和晚上,周末寻找能量,甚至在事故发生后的这个夏天,我第一次度假。 I struggled to do my work and to deal with my terrible loss with professionals. I now have a wonderful companion and am still having this terrible fatigue. I have a lot of natural vitamins and don't feel like I am getting anywhere. I am exhausted of trying to fight this fatigue and trying to have a normal life. I don't think I should be working in order to have a normal life, to permit me to use the little energy I have. I did have Wellbutrin and Effexor. Do you have any suggestions?