
对不起,我的下一个话,但是他妈的呢?我真的很喜欢您与我们分享的东西,我感谢您的勇气,但是再次,WTF?感谢上帝,我没有过敏,我只是偏执,杂乱无章和双极型1,换句话说,我患有精神分裂症,但我的智商得分为145+(这与此LVL无关紧要在..真的,唯一真正 - (真的^2)YOR IQ是145+时开始重要的,是:纪律,毅力和所有其他东西,善良,友善,开发更高的等式,就像我需要的那样,因为它是因为它很偏见我是个混蛋,我根本没有做任何事情来对抗它...所以是的,这本不可能的帖子就是我的错。''一个人22年))就像你的儿子一样,我的评论中的所有这些灭绝都来自我的内心,以了解您如何限制148iq lvl人(我并不是说他不受自己的限制”````方式'',雷姆梅伯,我只是读了你的帖子),说他不是在某种智商中成为专业人士。我知道!!!智商是一个狗屎,并不是一件很重要的事情,但是我确实必须写这些不愉快的话,因为他是个天才!就像Dorctor Pierce和John Nash一样!您自己说:“是的。当给出明确的目标时,本是最好的。“对我来说也一样! same for everyone!! or maybe not everyone, but same for those who when having a clear goal is in their mind, they get to it no matter what it cost, with or without 145+ IQ lvl!!!, so now let me tell you, because so far i've wrote way to much shitty words, and god bless the poor people soul's that took time to read them. your son is a genius and he should now it, not to brag it, but in a way that he can take adventaje about it. i dont even think is real iq is 148, due to the medication and induced attentional deficit that having a severe mental disorder causes, its very likely for him to be even at a higher lvl. I know those last word may have ''sound'' (when reading it in your mind, that sound) hipocrit, because i just recently said that if over 145IQ+ the digits didint really matter, it is just to clarify with more and innecesary intensity that your son is all but not-capable because of his IQ lvl to be a profesor. I know, that was just a comparison with the tv series, but come on, it is believed that edison had an IQ of 145, and if you do research, you will find a lot of schizophrenic historical geniuses with some ''170'' IQ lvls which may or not be true (because most of them are estimated scored that some sort science association