
没错,确实有很多人利用不幸的情况,但是有这样的人,从各种各样的背景。与精神疾病是很困难的,因为它不是一个实实在在的说,看到一个腿受伤的人之类的。它也是困难的,因为精神疾病的本质和影响决策的部分大脑,除此之外,它真的很难区分他们是否使用它作为借口(我被指控)或如果疾病是影响他们作出正确的选择。我倾向于进入它的好处的怀疑精神疾病。我为自己的底线在哪里,如果他们承认他们有精神疾病,然后拒绝治疗。例如,我的大哥哥有创伤后应激障碍和抑郁。他承认这不过是一个艺术家,所以他拒绝服药,因为它会“扼杀他的创造力”。现在我不认为他是一个坏人,但是这是一个很糟的和自私的决定当你看到你的行为负面影响他人。我在大学遇到另一个人也有两极化的障碍和它有点好笑当你遇到相同的疾病,这就像,“哦,感谢上帝,别人谁”。然而他拒绝治疗,因为他喜欢躁狂发作,我得到你的创意,你有这一切能量,你可以做任何事,这是一个让人上瘾的感觉。 But it's also one of those damaging phases of the cycle to be in. Which I thought was completely irresponsible on his part. I don't associate with either because I found it's so much harder to keep my disease in check when I'm around others who refuse to, it's not healthy for anyone. I guess my point in all this is there people who will use it as an excuse, but initially, try to give them the benefit of the doubt, It wasn't until I was an adult with the right support that I was even able to begin properly treating it. Up until that point I was really just lost with no help and my symptoms ran amok. I would have greatly appreciated it if people had given me the benefit of the doubt chalking it up to the disease and not that I was some terrible person.