
我割伤了自己……用螺丝刀……用熨斗烫我自己……我没有停下来……之前……我从来没有真正做过……但是…然后我不知道,我只是觉得这是唯一的方法…和…我用了刀片……然后螺丝刀… Then actually right now... Few minutes before...I burnt myself with the iron box... I'm not sure why... But i feel calm after that... But the process to do all that... Is do tough and disturbing... I don't know what i have... But I'm seeing many changes in me.... Actually, both good and bad changes... But I'm depressed, have anxiety... Stressed out... I'm 18... Quite young... But there's so much pressure...I don't know...I don't feel normal... What can i do?