
我知道现在快到2018年了,但我不想以这种方式开始新的一年。在我们结婚7个月后,这种虐待先是言语上的,然后升级为身体上的。我被药拽着头发下了床,差点被呛晕过去。我的胳膊脱臼了,因为在另一次事件中,我用它来掩护我的脸和头,更不用说它是青一块紫一块的。他一直跟我说那根本不是红的。他怎么能伤害我,然后看着我伤痕累累,假装自己看不见。我不知道他为什么要这么做。但在这发生之前,我真的很害怕,颤抖,就像有什么告诉我,他会伤害我。我在网上和他分享了一些虐待的故事,他对施虐者很生气。他表现得好像不知道自己是谁似的。 Their have been times the cops were called an he went to jail for simple domestic abuse only once. That was for slapping me and pulling a knife on me because I didnt have supper ready when he walked in the door. I think he hates me. 912 dispatcher recorded one conversation when I called them an he didn't know an he was fixing to hit me. They said they will keep it on file. What can I do i own my home an bought it before I met him but he won't leave an the cops said I can't make him because we're married. Help please with advice I'm from Mississippi