
我从1999年就和我丈夫在一起了。我18岁,他24岁。我从一开始就看到了危险信号,但留下来是我自己愚蠢的错误。我们现在有两个漂亮的儿子,都快上高中了。他们是我的生命。为了他们,我留在这段有毒的关系里。我曾被拖着头发穿过花园,他朝我扔烟灰缸时我的手指脱臼了。他用尿和粪便在我脸上蹭来蹭去。我现在需要这个人给我做颈部椎间盘置换手术。直到今天,他都不会为这一切承担责任或道歉。 Today he swore and demeaned me in front of a tradie to such a point I was going to grab the kids and leave. Every time, everything is my fault and he has only acted in this way because of me. Deep down I k ow that I need to take the kids and leave but for some stupid reason I still love him. This is never in front of the kids and they are never in harms way.