
我嫁给了一个非常暴躁的男人。我们结婚后不久,他就开始骂我。我有一个可怕的母亲,她对我很残酷,所以,尽管很痛苦,我还是没有和她联系过。我丈夫开始叫我她的名字。我哭着求他停下来。他没有。他骂我很多话,比如“蛆虫”、“浪费时间的骗子”、“该死的鼹鼠”等等。他在所有的墙上都打了洞,我把它们补上。他比我大很多,他吓到我了。他把我的头撞到冰箱里,打了我几下,但仅此而已。 But the names continued for over 30 years. I separated from him a few years ago but we continue to live in the same house due to finances. He still calls me mental and psycho and tells me that I’ll never change, as he looks at me with disgust. I struggle every day to want to live. I drive to work fighting back tears and drive home fighting back tears. He says that I make him call me names because I make him angry. The last time he did it was because I told him that I always look like the bad guy to our children. He agrees with me on issues concerning them and then when I say something to them he acts as though it is all from me. I’ve always had to discipline our kids, who were never any trouble, and say no to the risky stuff while he wanted to look like I was being unfair. Our kids are grown and I think that they understand why I took on the role of single parent. I’m desperately lonely and so sad. I feel as though I’m invisible. I’m 57 and I feel worthless. Have I been abused?