
是的,这是滥用。没有人有权称您为C ***或B ****任何自尊心的丈夫都会称您为他的Sweatheart或我爱的妻子。每对夫妇都有自己的论点,但他让您对自己感到难过。因为他是一个自私的人。只想他需要他的时间,他的时间。当他造成一些混乱时,他永远不会在家里帮助您,他可以清理自己的衣服,是一个成年男子。让您感到自己不准备好自己的物品或期望您付出比他自己更多的钱。他用额外的钱在做什么?似乎他对您或家庭生活不感兴趣,只能做他想要的事情?这是有道理的。 Never feel it is you who needs help as he wants you to feel insecure, lower your self esteem, make you feel worthless to make him feel better and in control. You need to be happy you have one life and it is not to be put on the earth to be spoken to that way or to put up with this form of abuse. Read it again all you have said and make it really sink in just what he is doing. Your life and if the children are hearing this form of behaviour they pick up on things it is NOT a two way happy relationship from what you are explaining. Hope you see the light x