
嗨,我已经结婚了7年,情况越来越糟。我们一直在城市到城市,但这是同一件事。我丈夫总是指责我和男人和女人睡觉,指责我没有朋友和没有生活的时候出去,指责我从他那里偷钱,但他没有工作。他永远不会在车库里出门,低生活无家可归的人总是被吸毒。另一方面,您有我,我做3顿饭,清洁24小时,整天照顾2个孩子!!!并带我丈夫的公牛狗屎!!!他讨厌谈论账单,金钱或任何事实。每当他喜欢的时候,他都会醒来,整夜呆在一起。我熬夜有1岁,喂食,更换尿布等。他总是说我在某种程度上做错了他,我什至不能没有被称为讨厌的名字的淋浴。 I never leave unless I'm with him and are 2 kids. But for as for him he's always out never home are 6 year old even cried asking him to spend more time with us as a family but that did nothing!!! Everywhere we have lived he has caused a problem with are neighborhoods. He thinks everyone is out to get him but in reality no one cares. Everyone is busy with there life, kids job but yet he thinks everyone has it out for him. I honestly start to tell cuz I defend myself but I hate when I'm like that. I try so many times to have a conversation but he doesn't care. He has hit me a few times and I hate him for that. He will say that you forced me to. But he's 6 feet I'm 4 "11. I pushed my family away cuz he acts crazy with them. I have never had friends and I'm accused of having them. I have ended in a mental hospital cuz of him 2 times. Each time he pushes me to my limit then blames me for everything. Not once has he blamed himself. He has done ever drug under the sun. And takes it out on me. BTW he blames me for that as well. Again I have never changed I'm not perfect but I'm me. I mind my business and keep to myself not one person has come to.my home. Everyday he has 7 to 10 people in him garage to the point where everyone is complaining about him. He keep saying how he's making money but not 1 penny has come are way. He's out all day and when I complain he tells me I'm making money hes better off getting a job and coming. Last year he told me that I was cheating on him with ever car that would come into the complex or how I have a secret door in my closet or how I use candy crush the game as a dating app?!!!.. what should I do??? I have 2 kids with him and are 6 year old loves him. I do love him but I don't think I can put up with anymore. BTW there's more problems I can keep at it till the next day,!!!