
哇!这么多人经历我正在经历的事情。首先,我坚信将爱付诸实践。因为我研究了爱,所以我把他对我的虐待作为对他更多爱他的挑战,因为他似乎从来没有任何人爱他。三年的苦难,1个流产,2岁,一个2个月大的人,我现在看到他不是我的人。即使他希望我在生下我们的儿子后,我会死在医院。即使他在手术室里的行为在医生给我的一部分时也让我们所有人都感到震惊,因为他很生气,以至于我希望我们的儿子中间名追随我父亲。我们以为他会在手术桌上打开时打我的肚子。谢天谢地,他刚刚猛冲出去,但我留下了。即使他希望我们的女儿不会留下来。 I left for a short while but I returned and it seems things are worse. He calls me worthless, ugly, he tells me he never liked me, refuses to pay the bills ontime and give me money to take care of the kids and house. I know I made the wrong decision to come back, but I'm to ashamed to go back to my sisters house. I feel so alone, sad and depressed. I know the cure is to leave him and focus my attention elsewhere but where do I start? How do I start? I have no money, no job 2 babies and a van that needs a new engine.