Dr Musli Ferati
April, 28 2012 at 9:45 pm

Medication of psychiatric illnesses, as primary treatment option of any psychiatric entities exhibits many contradictory issues for both: psychiatrist and their patients. These misunderstandings, on the other side causes numerous side effect that lead to interruption of prescription medication from respective psychiatric patient. Your recommendation of low and slow administration of psychopharmacologic medication indicates as useful and critical aspect of psychiatric treatment. But, the individual tolerance is specific and most important aspect of this crucial psychiatric treatment approaching procedure. The negligence of this suggestion essentially damage therapeutic process with numerous bad consequences for courses and definitive outcome of pertaining disease. In order to avoid this bad prognosis of psychiatric diseases, it should to create a constructive and confidence therapeutic milieu between doctors and their patients.This mean to explore all problems and difficulties that occur along medication. To achieve this fruitful therapeutic target, it ought to be honest and empathic toward patient with mentally problems. The same is value for patient, whose compliance is deeply depended to their sense of self respect and self-confidence.