
我听了你的话。我终于说完了。计划着我从这段糟糕的关系中脱身。我们在一起10年了,在一起生活了两年半。两天前,我把17岁的儿子搬到了酒店。(他甚至没有注意到他已经搬出去了)当我告诉他,他用暴力把我赶出了急诊室,单方发布了保护令,他因家庭暴力被捕。一个月前,我在加利福尼亚州普莱森顿的托尔兄弟豪宅进行了面试,通过背景调查、背景调查、毒品测试和DMV报告。我得到了我的职业机会。当安东尼打电话给我说你的录用信在员工网站上时,我简直要疯了。登录到传送门读取并签名。所有文件COE直接存入签署填写寄回。 This was my window my opportunity, I was out! and going to take care of myself and my son.have a house a new car cuz my job paid 80k plus bonuses. Paided yes past tense somehow my abuser and his Best friend of 30 years decide to call my brand new job I was to start on Friday. The next morning on Wednesday Anthony calls me. I picked up the phone eagerly. (Shoot this was my future) Customer Concierge was my title. Anthony (recruiter) says "were going to need to re-cinde our offer to you" what why? Anthony said. "Something came up." What? I immediately said does this have anything to do Dominic Or James "Eric" he said I'm not at liberty to say. I started to say "Anthony, I just left an abusive relationship. And they are trying to sabotage my future." He said yeah yeah well. We are recinding our offer at this time. So now I'm Jobless, homeless, penniless, my Son is still by my side supporting each effort we make towards getting where we were before we ended up like this. I have no family I'm the youngest and they have all since past away. I was So close. It was in the palm of my hands. I'm applying for jobs everyday looking for a home everyday. The system that was to protect me has failed me. He decided to retaliate and file an RO on me. With his best friend in tow. My life is getting ruined he said he would be mean. He said you haven't seen mean yet..,you will. I feel as though I just should of stayed and taken the abuse I would have a warm bed and a roof over our heads. My heart goes out to my son. I was trying to protect both of us. think of everything. I mean everything.