

唐恩,我真为你感到骄傲!离开一段受虐待的关系是一件非常困难的事情,原因有很多,而你做到了!你应该感到很有力量。担心自己的第一步,就是离开。做得很好。现在,想念他,挣扎于离开的情感方面是完全正常的。你正在为你的关系感到悲伤,这意味着你在前进的过程中可能会经历不同的悲伤阶段。悲伤的五个阶段是:悲伤、否认、愤怒、讨价还价、沮丧和接受。你可能没有把这5个都做完,你可能没有按照顺序来做,这是正常的,这是你继续生活的健康和必要的一部分。对我来说,分手总是会带来悲伤的讨价还价阶段,这时你开始对自己说,“如果事情能以这种方式改变,我们就能走到一起”,或者“如果这件事从未发生过,我们可能还有机会”,或者“如果他能去看心理医生,我们会过得更好。” It's lots of ifs and buts and while it's normal, try to recognize if you start to do that, that it's a normal part of grieving. We do it when we lose a loved one, a relationship ends, we lose a job we loved, etc. Depression is normal as well, but the good news is, it all goes away with time! As your stat to live your life without this person, you'll make new friends, have new experiences, and find new things you enjoy to do, all of this will begin to fill your life with happiness, you'll be moving on. You have a new life ahead of you with endless possibilities and a very real potential for happiness and love, you deserve it. Reach out to friends and family you enjoy spending time with, do things喜欢做,你已经得到了这个女孩!