
30年前,我和在情感和精神上虐待我的丈夫离婚了。我女儿9岁。他30年来只见过她5 - 6次。他离开了我们。她被遗弃,被忽视。我知道这些年来她一直很伤心。他很少给她发短信,似乎只在她生日和圣诞节的时候给她扔钱。30年后的今天,她突然想和他在一起。他住在加州,我们住在新泽西州。她原谅了他所做的一切。 He is remarried and has two grown kids. I don't get it. Why is she chasing him? It is just me and her. And now all of a sudden he seems to do no wrong. I asked her what she would do if he continues to do the things she has forgiven him for. And she said keep forgiving. I feel so angry not only at her for being okay with being thrown under the bus and being used as a doormat but also towards him for never apologizing or asking for forgiveness. He is sneaky and evil. He has no conscience. In his mind he has done no wrong. And she has never confronted him about his unacceptable behavior. In fact she just told me today after we argued about this that the reason he probably never came here to see her was because he was not welcome at home by me. She keeps making excuses for him. Wow I never saw this coming. What do I do now? Any thoughts on this? I am quite upset to say the least.