
在我恢复的过程中,我花了很长时间做一些基本的事情,这对我来说很难,因为我一直很独立。我甚至不会写简历,尽管过去我为别人写过很多成功的简历(有时不太成功)。有一次,我按照社工的建议,去了一个职业培训中心,只是为了让自己运转起来。我确实记得我当时的感受和你一样,在参与这件事时感到有些惶恐。我从来没有申请过失业,从来没有休过残疾假,或者在我的生活中有任何类似的事情——我从16岁起就一直有一份工作。我和一个社会工作者交谈,他问我为什么没有工作,我顺便提到我患有抑郁症(认为这比BP更容易接受),有一段时间无法工作。从那以后,每次见到我,他都会居高临下地问:“你抑郁吗?”这就是你找不到工作的原因吗?你吃药了吗?”没关系,这是在房地产市场崩溃之后,每个人都很难找到工作,不管有没有药。 Needless to say, I was livid and reported him to my case worker who felt BAD because she had been referring people there. The minute people hear any reference to MH - even social workers who really should know better - they automatically dismiss you as hopeless. What an eye opener! I wondered what the hell did he actually learn in school (shockingly, he had a master's degree)? Or what the hell did his sociology program teach him? I'm sure somewhere in there a chapter or two on the disabled in society was slipped in, but maybe he was too busy looking at the hot chick two rows down to absorb it, I don't know...