
大家好,我也有同感,因为我自己也在经历这件事。没有精力去做任何事情。我就像一个闯入别人生活的乘客。他们大笑,他们流下喜悦的泪水,他们分享成就的故事,快乐的时光,关于情感和感觉。以前我能感受到它们,感受到它的一部分,可以梦想并希望有一天它会发生在我身上。我开始意识到生活不是那样的。童话里没有希望和感情。我变得麻木了,现在只是看着,想“随便”,然后回答“啊,好吧”“很好”。我对谈话不感兴趣,不再为别人感到兴奋,只是不想被打扰。亲密的朋友告诉我他们的假期,他们的孩子如何开始迈出第一步,这是如何感动他们的情感,他们谈论把孩子抱在胸前的感觉,这是如何让他们忘记世界,让他们如此专注,他们谈论他们想为父母做什么,因为他们正在变老等等……它变得如此势不可挡,我为他们感到高兴,然后我回到了我的生活,在那里没有任何进展。 I cant even get over the fact my dreams are all shattered and that everyday is the same and cannot find anything to push me forward and make a change in life. I work and get paid, but I slack so much, I go badminton as a weekly exercise but just cant be bothered or find that positivity or vision to push me forward. Its not the unwillingness to put the effort in, its that want and inability to embrace life and find the purpose in the everyday things and situations which bring happiness. Its the purpose and vision, plan to want to do something or have something planned. I have no thoughts which motivate me to do something and have no enthuiasm to want to do the things. If I had that drive and vision which can be sustained then maybe I will go far. Others dont have the time and effort to push me and others do have the belief in me but when I dont have that self belief and condifence I really need someone energetic to be beside me to pick me up until I can do it for myself.