
嗨,我叫瑞秋·安·贝利。我住在明尼苏达州的奇萨戈市。我似乎对诊断太过份了。我几乎总是在和我的思想作斗争。我不知道为什么我的药不管用。但我总是在脑子里跟某个实体说话。几乎所有的时间。然后我会继续想,哦,这都是上帝,上帝,我只是想要平静。然后我就会对上帝大发雷霆……然后有人说话了,上帝就来了。我相信那些稀奇古怪的事。 Like..oh never mind...I just want to quit talking all the time in my head. It never ends. I'm suicidal. I take ten pills in the morning and five at night and a shot of invaga sastena once a month. And I'm still. Being drove crazy. Maybe I need shocks. Maybe I am suppose to kill myself. I live in an adult foster home. Maybe I'm suppose to go threw hell to get to the best heaven there is. Wow! I see a doctor psychiatrist who provides me meds. Her name is Beth Good..she works at alot of places. She is a good doctor. I meet her in anoka Minnesota at C.O.R. I'm It. Doesn't meant my life should be take from me. Am i pozest? Do I need an exrosysom? Whatever. I need help. When I'm done with this. My my brain screams again