
要是我能像“正常人”一样思考就好了。如果我认为别人能理解(或者只是假装理解)就好了!其他人的大脑都是如此简单直接。我试图描述我脑子里的想法的方式是…就像一团线从我的脑袋里被拉出来,散开,揉成一团,缠成一个巨大的结,然后回到我的头骨里——和366个小的(但非常大声的)人一起!他们听起来真的很可爱,不是吗?那些小人物,但是,不,他们不能像生活中的其他事情一样被信任。它们会同时从1开始。控制我的每一个想法,想法,担忧,试图让我更加困惑。他们现在都帮不了我。 It was so different in the olden days. I used to love to hear stories from my grandpa. Why can't I think and remember any good things? Why do they only let me keep bad thoughts and memories? Pumping pumping pumping...asking asking asking...shouting shouting shouting...banging banging banging...CONSTANTLY. I want to know what peace and quiet is...or do I? I'm pretty scared of that. Scared of being ALONE. At least all 366 of these little people make sure i'm never alone. I wonder....will they go take over someone else's brain when I die? How would they get there? Do they only go to useless people? To help them? Constantly laughing at me, coz i'm so f**ked up.Everyone.what is today gonna bring? STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS LYNNE. Igive up Lynne!x