
说到对另一个囚犯发号施令,这根本不属于这里。你不是这里的老板,她也不是。你(无名)听起来像我以前认识的一个人。她会在一个躁郁症论坛上用许多假名写文章,然后回答自己,要么批评她自己的一个角色(匿名),要么大量赞美她的一个更好的性格和作品。她非常需要关注,她整天都在写大量的假帖子,改变她的故事情节,但还是真的拼命地乞求关注。后来我发现她有点神经质,我就跳槽去了那个地方。我了解到,那是一个精神上可怕的地方,我太脆弱了,无法忍受或听到她陌生的、毫无根据的愤怒和傲慢的虐待。她必须是对的,否则她不会吃东西。如果你有不同的意见,她会用化名跟着你,公开地痛斥你。主持人经常会把她(其中一个)踢出去,但她会用另一个名字回来。 "No" or "leave" wasn't in her vocabulary. I knew nothing about BPD but do now, and when I see a bipolar woman -name calling, I get flash backs. If anyone reading this is BPD, take a deep breath if you feel like going 'off' on anyone. Try to follow the suggestions your therapist has given you. I have seen what damage you can cause and it's not fair to bipolar people. I say this kindly- trying very hard to understand the way you act or think but defending other 'bipolar only' people with their way of thinking. We are a different illness altogether. If you are co-morbid w/ bipolar you have my sympathies, it must be terribly rough for you. These are my intrusive thoughts du jour. Those darn triggers.