
然后在他妹妹来镇上之前,他给她写了一封电子邮件,告诉她我疯了,她不应该听我说的任何话。他告诉住在当地的家人,他们不应该和我有任何瓜葛。我甚至给他的一个兄弟发了一条短信,因为我家里漏水了,所以他想要一个勤杂工兄弟的电话号码,但没有人回复。我发现了他和我母亲之间的邮件他们在讨论把我送进精神病院。我妈妈一直都在虐待我和我妹妹,她在我妹妹12岁的时候就犯了罪。在我12岁的时候,她把我送到了我祖父那里,尽管她曾指责祖父在她小时候虐待她。他见过的我的每个家庭成员都告诉他,她有虐待倾向。在我被诊断出癌症第四期的那天,她就和我断绝了关系。他告诉我,取笑我,我的精神,我将。我是身体上的,不是精神上的。 I am besides myself because of being disabled and needing help with some things because I had a long episode with vertigo which lasted over 1.5 years They think the radiation to my throat might have damaged my inner ear, causing the vertigo. I have cooked gourmet meals for his family and negotiated with Walmart so they would take a foreign countries prescription for his mom in Venezuela with Alzheimers. I have also outpaced all market indices by a wide margin and producing a 150% increase over just less than 6 years. He has never shed a tear, for me nor his mother and he lacks any sort of empathy I have prevented calling family services because I need help with things and have become so isolated that it's difficult to find any help. I'm miserable. Yesterday he starts yelling and screaming at me because he didnt like the speed I was driving. He saw a woman on the street motion to me to slow down. I wasnt even going that fast and have been driving him around for almost 10 years. I just recently bought myself a new Mercedes and told him how much I enjoy driving the car. Anything that gives me joy or pleasure he trys to destroy. Because I had gotten stage 4 cancer ,birthdays mean more to.me now than ever before. When he asked me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday, I chose what my grandmother would always get me from the bakery she worked at. It was bananas and strawberries in a chocolate cake. Because he never heard of it and though it was a bad combination, I got no cake at all. I need some legal help and have the money to pay for them During this whole time when I started looking very I'll I was being treated very poorly for the first time in my life. I had been discriminated against and had been denied service several times even in establishments where I have used their services for a long time. This includes a doctor who refused my two different insurances , one of them being Medicare, and the other a company he had listed on an advertisement for his services.