
我现在有4个孩子,他们都是成年人,都是前一段婚姻中十几岁的孩子。我结婚快3年的新丈夫起初非常爱我,接受我随时带他们过去。我和我的前男友还有我十几岁的儿子们一起安排。起初,我的前任把我和儿子的生活疏远了,这让我极度绝望,我的新丈夫当时很支持我。在我们结婚的第二年,我开始接受这样一个事实:我永远无法说服我的前任,他所做的事情对我们儿子的伤害超出了他的想象,所以我珍惜和他们在一起的任何时刻。我的新丈夫开始在他曾经隐藏的精神疾病中下滑到一个非常黑暗的地方。他再也藏不住了。他开始错过工作时间,并从借贷场所和他的母亲那里借钱。(丈夫快40岁了)。这引起了很多婚姻问题。 My husband diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, ANXIETY, and recently fibromyalgia. As his wife I tried desperately to support as best I could. But it created a huge block in our marriage. In 4 years of us being together he has either let go or lost his jobs because he couldn't show up on time or perform tasks. All of this compounded and cause great distress for him and myself flooding over into my life and time with my kids. Arguements are constant and I often am left feeling they are all my fault. I'm told I "don't register what issues are" or that I am unreasonable to respect his demands and rules he wants in our small place. When my kids wish to come over, I feel I have to ask permission to make sure it's ok and not invading his space. I rarely get to have them with me now. I ask permission for my grand-daughter to spend a night (toddler) And even then he comes up with every excise imaginable to thwart my relationships with them all. My eldest daughter and her partner had planned a trip to come visit (they live in another province) and was supposed to be staying with us for a few days. I was so excited as I hadn't seen my daughter in 1.5 years. The very night before they were to fly out for visit. My husbdand and I broke out into arguement. Words were not nice. As a result he demanded that my daughter or none of my kids are no longer welcomed in our marital home. And that his needs must be put 1st over everyone. He threatens that if I have them here he will force them out. None of my kids know what is going on behind the scenes between he and I. They believe their step father (my husdband) is a nice guy. With his new demand I felt I had no choice but to tell my 22 year old daughter his demands as they were catching their flight in only 6 hours. I had suggested marital counselling and he agreed. But now. I don't want to go. I know when we get there I will not speak up or i won't feel free to be unafraid to do so because we tried before, and after the sessions he said I was creating fabrications. I need help. And I don't know what to do. I'm isolated. I don't go out. I don't meet with friends. I do not drink or party. I am quiet. I go to work and come home. I am a nurse so I know what it's like to give but I can't give anymore. He makes my financial situation difficult. He has his own money and does what he wants even if cupboards are bare.