
虐待我的人是个很狡猾的人。他会很方便地“忘记”我们进行过的重要谈话。具体来说,我想要个孩子,我认为现在是我们组建家庭的时候了,他能考虑一下吗?另一个主要的煤气灯,我不确定它是否真的是煤气灯,甚至只是否认我曾经有过的任何想法或想法。比如有一次我的新公寓里有个车库开关,上面有三个按钮。有一天,车库的门打不开,我按了按钮,它不工作。他说你按错按钮了。好吧,问题是他以前从来没有用过那个东西,而我用过,所以@$&”他怎么知道呢?原来车库门坏了因为邻居的车库门重新编程了我的。他总是正确的,绝对的,我赢了我们在8年里的每一次争论。 He also really warped my mind by convincing me basically that a lot of things I learned in school was completely wrong like vaccines are dangerous, they are building concentration camps underneath the Denver airport and the govt is going to take away all the guns and ammo so we better stock up! He made me scared to think of so many bad things about the world, and that the end was near we would not have electricity and such things so get ready!