
我也爱睡觉。这是我的逃跑!我没有担心当我睡觉。有时我将有一个可怕的梦,我开始醒来,我觉得“没有不醒来....请回到睡眠。”I have no motivation, no energy. I hate to even have to get up to go to the bathroom. If I don't have something really easy to eat like chips or a piece of pizza, then I just stay in the bed and the hungriness eventually passes. I do think of death all the time. I worry about my family members and even myself dying and going to hell. I hate myself alot. I hate that I can't make myself get up and do anything. I just feel like sleeping until I kick the nuvket,. Alright, enough I'm going to sleep. Goodnight!