
这是非常好的建议。我在研究生院和广泛性焦虑障碍。我透露我的焦虑在邮件给我顾问后虽然回避的时期。这是可怕的,但最后它反弹并帮助(我不推荐这种顾问。有风险但当时我觉得我解释我的缺席,躲在“我很好”是没有帮助)。我很惊讶,他似乎比我更了解我的焦虑。我有一个很难除了它。我现在必须亲自与他会见,但我担心我们可能会谈论我的焦虑。我的焦虑会导致哭这是部分原因欺骗我有回避行为。虽然我想跟他谈谈这件事,包括他在我恢复,我不想哭。 Crying can also have a stigma and I am more afraid of that stigma than the stigma that comes from having GAD. I feel it's inevitable that I will brake down. Can you give me some advice on controlling the overwhelming sadness that comes with anxiety or excepting that its ok to brake down. I know you mentioned it briefly in the context of anxiety when you said, "It isn’t comfortable and it isn’t something anyone wants to do, let alone someone who experiences panic, but that’s the short-term. Healing doesn’t happen in the short-term," but I would like to hear your thoughts on crying.