
在某个时候,“专业人士”最终需要面对一个坚硬的事实,即2+2永远不会增加5,方形钉永远不会适合圆孔,等等。精神错乱的定义正在做同样的事情,并且再次期望产生不同的结果。好吧,这就是不断堆积的失败治疗方法的失败治疗方法是 - 企业。我们没有人喜欢看到亲人对精神疾病感到痛苦,但是在什么时候我们终于将自己的感受抛在一边,思考个人在遭受苦难呢?你们中的许多人都可以撤离那些人的麻烦,但是那些挣扎的可怜的灵魂却没有那么奢侈。对您来说幸运的是,对他们来说不是那么多。是否曾经在您身上意识到,也许,也许他们的生活不是您的“拯救”?小时候,我们中的许多人都被告知我们的生活是我们梦dream以求的一切,但是只有当我们想成为牛仔或宇航员时,这似乎是这种情况。No, when someone is suffering from a debilitating mental illness that they can’t find any relief from after dozens of even hundreds of treatments don’t work, we opt instead to take that choice away and force them to do what *we* want with their life. Why? I mean, if your 5 year old daughter came to you and said she wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up, would you tell her, “No, you’re going to work a dead end customer service job where people will verbally abuse you all day, and learn to like it”? Of course not! At what point do we finally acknowledge that this person just might *never* get better? At what point do we acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, letting someone go, as undesirable to us as it may be, is just as compassionate as trying to help them? Maybe it *is* helping them? Yeah, some people say the mentally ill aren’t “in their right mind,” but who are we to say what the “right mind” actually is? What real evidence do you have to say you’re thinking clearly? Maybe a mentally ill person realizes something about life we just can’t comprehend? Maybe the modern societal norm that we should enjoy being alive is completely wrong and we’re the ones that are batcrap insane? No one that doesn’t suffer from one of these debilitating illnesses can truly know what it feels like, so who are we to tell those that do what they should think and do? Maybe instead of forcing upon them the treatment we think they need, we let them have the relief that they want even if it’s to die?