
我23岁的时候成为了困惑和去看医生也感觉有点慌张。我提到另一个医生告诉我,我有精神分裂症,会看到他。注入我的头侧和鼻窦开始很疼,我的头很热我更紧张。我的医生说我很好。我的头明显是不可以和鼻窦造成问题。然后我开始migrain。当时我不知道migrain但是我去看了医生描述基本migrain症状,疼痛,红点在眼睛前面,光刺痛了我的眼睛和感觉沮丧。他说我是想象,暗笑。我走在疼痛和migrain折磨我一年多,直到一个老太太在街上走近我,问我怎么了。我描述的基本症状migralieve她很快识别,告诉我。 After 20 minutes my torment subsided and my head was raw. I then had a whole body breakdown. All my muscles were in pain. I was bedridden for eight months even going to the toilet was hard. The only way I got better was my young daughter. I had to get up and be with her no matter . It was a hard slow task but after a few weeks the pain seemed to just become part of me and I could move better. While I had migrain I was sent to mental hospital twice as my daughter saw me in pain and told the doctor how I was. So I have been fighting the system since this doctor diognosed me wrongly. I changed doctors twice but can't get away from the miss diagnosis. I still have problems with the side of my head and research soon helped me identity it as from an accident I was in when I was little where a car hit my head full pelt and I was in a commor for 3 months. I experience symptoms from this still and am still fighting to be listened to. My first doctor has put a mind field in front of me. Even my daughter can't talk about it. I feel I have no more avenues to try. I've been fighting for 23 years. It's becoming tedious. The injury is on my temple and effects my whole senses and nerves and I can't even get nerve pills. I asked the new doctor and she just said no. I'm still trying though as there must be a non robot out there. I deserve it and my daughter deserves it. She was only seven when it began.