
我的哥哥40多岁了,已婚,有一个3岁的孩子,患有躁郁症,但一直服用药物,直到大约4年前都很好。他的妻子拒绝帮助我们,我们认为她在偷他的东西,还会夺走他的房子。他不工作是因为她要养家糊口,自从他们的儿子出生后,她就让他呆在家里。所以他唯一的钱是卖了一套公寓,但他说他必须用那笔钱帮她付账单。如果他们需要更多的钱,她不应该告诉他去找份工作吗?他的“工作”就是带走他们的儿子。没有游戏小组,没有和任何成年人的社交活动。他们可以出去散步,午饭时回家,这样她就可以喂他们的儿子(她直到昨天都在家工作)。我弟弟正在退化,不记得过去的人,也不记得他去过的地方。他不知道怎么去他多年来常去的餐馆。 I recently took a walk with him to try and talk to him and he was waving at the seagulls and talking baby talk "hi seagull" My mother has tried to talk to his wife to get her to help us get him back on his lithium, she said he is the same person as when they met. And took the opportunity tell my mother she doesn't like the way we were raised and she doesn't want their son near us because we might rub off on him. Today my brother called my mother and said wife got a new job making $100K, but she won't tell him where or what she is doing. I think she is going to get free daycare and preparing to throw my brother out. We are scared he will have nothing-we are not sure if the house is still in both names. What can we do?