
我曾经是一个独立、快乐,外向的人。但是现在我觉得我失去了我自己。我丈夫已经使用很多贬义的词对我4年来我们开始自己生活在一起。愚蠢,软弱,懒惰的“常客”。主要是他变得疯狂,因为我一直照顾我们的孩子,没有钱。我一直在努力回到职业但是没有容易(我是一个移民)。一开始,我就反击和他顶嘴。但意识到我不能赢,我希望如果我开始就保持安静不要顶嘴,他不会继续了。多年来我不工作照顾我的小女孩(我有另外两个孩子),他会说服我说,你怎么能不找工作吗?,那是因为你不够强壮/太弱太依赖/愚蠢等等……我没有反击了,他的话像真理,感觉真的是我的错,我真的是太弱或愚蠢。 Later last year, I do not know how it happened, I came upon a realization that I do not need to take this. Now I want out, but I do not know how especially with my children. Although I have the means, I do not know if it's legal. This page is very empowering and I was crying the whole time I was reading it. I am feeling that the fear that he has instilled in me is slowly melting away and in time, I will be able to just get up and walk away.