
我不知道去哪里或做什么。我没有钱和工作前景。我的丈夫一直在口头上,有时身体虐待我自2000年我们结婚。他叫我每天这本书里的每一个名字。他所说的(结婚)朋友妓女和要求我看不出他们。今晚我有一个计划的女孩晚上喝咖啡和聊天几个小时——我的丈夫曾威胁说,如果我去他将支付我们共同的银行账户,我将走上街头。我理解他操控我,但他的虐待是每天,有时每小时。我感觉像一个破碎的女人。我的壳。他讨厌我的家庭,并可能开始与他们争斗,如果我们在一起。 This morning he said he was going to email one of single friends and tell her he wanted to F*** her. I don't even know what to think anymore I am so burnt out. I am struggling with my home business and am making little money. He calls me stupid and useless daily about this but does not want me to work away from home even though we are struggling financially. I feel as if I am in a prison...