
我已经阅读了每一篇文章,必须加上我个人的ECT经验。我非常沮丧。从自杀未遂中“获救”。医生们尝试了许多药物组合,都没有积极的结果。我13年的精神科医生推荐了电痉挛疗法。我很不情愿,因为以前没有成功。这一次不一样。他们尝试单方面的,但没有积极的结果。然后切换到双边,情况开始改善。从8月到1月,我接受了电痉挛疗法。 I suffer from some memory loss both short term during the time of the procedures and some long-term. I must say I have not been hospitalized in six years and am more stable than I've ever been. I know there is a great deal of controversy regarding this procedure, but for me it was a life saver.