
好的。我要抓住机会,不认为自己做这件事是疯了,无意冒犯任何人。一年前,我被诊断出患有社交焦虑障碍、重度抑郁症(复发:中度)和注意力缺陷多动障碍(主要是注意力不集中)。我现在32岁了。我一直在遵医嘱吃药。四月,我洗完澡出来照镜子,却认不出自己了。就像我在看一个陌生人。然后我厉声反击。几天后又发生了。我得说一共发生了6次。 Now I have been having trouble remembering conversations I had with my wife. Or she would say don't you remember saying that? I literally have no clue what she is talking about, which results in a fight. My moods have been swinging more often. I get headaches off and on despite taking a motrin. And despite being medicated, I feel the anxiety again! What is going on?! I don't hear voices, am I supposed to hear voices? Then I guess you can say this was the icing on the cake. A coworker accidentally hit me in the eye with a rubber band, and I just completely flipped out! Cussed him out! I had to take a walk. But when I came back to work it's like I never got mad, but yet I feel this anger inside toward this person. I thought I got over it? I see my psychiatrist June 1st. I am going to be completely honest, I have no idea what or how to bring this up, because for the past year everything has been great. All input is welcome please.