
听起来像我的生活。我女儿非常高兴。她恨我,说我没用,是最差劲的母亲和祖母。我从来没有为她做过任何事。她总是一个人做所有的事情。然后她一直给我打电话,一切看起来都很正常,直到我不再迎合她的音乐。当她用言语辱骂我时,我走开了,她责怪我讨厌,因为我没有回应她对我的言语辱骂。然后沉默的对待又开始了。到下一集,情况终于有所好转。她在男人身上做出了糟糕的选择,看起来总是很绝望,事情总是不顺心。 I feel sorry for my grandson who is 9. He deals with her UPS and downs on a daily basis and her threats about killing her self when she gets in one of her moods. It's a terrible way to live. I am concerned and have tried talking to,her about getting help. All I get are lthrats of killing herself if she gets any clue that I might have talked to someone about her behaviour. I love her but I don't like her much at times. I really think she is sick. I don't know what to do.