
你好,我在1990年被诊断为精神疾病的一大堆。在我14岁时我看着妈妈带猎枪,加载一个充满鹿弹匣和litereally吹她的脑袋。我应该和她死。7岁时我妈妈让我和她做出自杀协定。我们用来讨论不同的自杀方法。我来自一个小城镇,并从一长串自杀。到目前为止有五个家庭成员已经自杀。显然是一个心理健康的问题在我的家人。解离性障碍,人格障ti8 竞猜雷竞技app碍,临床抑郁症,自杀意念,(我)似乎是正常tramatic应激障碍,焦虑障碍、进食障碍、惊恐障碍、精神障碍等等。我终于不再感到羞愧我的精神疾病。在大学时我回来了,我要写一篇论文。 I've decided to write about mental illness and the stigma attached to it. I had to come out in class, and at first I was angry that in order to write this paper I had to expose myself. I'm okay with it now. I am not a mental illness, I am a person, that has special insights into the world. I live in a multi-dimensional world. It is unnerving sometimes to find out that I have been "away", but I just try to relax and know that someone in here is always "here" even if I don't know about it. Someone is always driving, and I'm now 46 years old. We've never been in trouble with the law, and I've never heard anything negative regarding the behavior of others. I'm not ashamed anymore. This is an illness, just as diabeties, I can't help it, I can just accept it and move on. Thanks for this opportunity to share myself, and thank you for sharing too.