
几周前,我被诊断出患有双相情感障碍II型,从那以后我就一直在与诊断作斗争。我今年50岁了,但我想知道我是不是从十几岁开始就没有了,也许没有那么糟糕。我不知道,还在想。我同意我喜欢轻度躁狂而不是抑郁,但我倾向于花太多钱,有过一两次外遇,这不是好的选择,不是借口,这就是我所做的。这段时间的另一个问题是我所生活的虚拟世界。我工作,做饭,洗衣服,等等,但我不是为我的家庭做这些事,而是为我脑海中的假想家庭做这些事,所以当我丈夫和我说话时,我非常恼火,因为假想的世界被打断了,我很生气。我更加远离现实。这太疯狂了,但这是我。药物起了一些作用,但大部分时间都是在晚上。医生加大了我的剂量,想帮我缓解。 Sorry for going on and on, I started typing and couldn't stop. I really appreciate your article, I know it's several years old, but still applicable. I keep having questions about this diagnosis and search for answers. I still don't get the answer I started looking for, but I find great articles from folks suffering through this also. Much appreciated.