
你如何诊断轻度躁狂或双相情感障碍?我想它在我女朋友那里。(约会。(她正常的妹妹也这么认为)她的母亲患有精神分裂症,祖父患有躁郁症。但她完全否认自己患有躁郁症,称治疗师诊断她患有复杂的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。因为她的父亲是个酒鬼,他不怎么陪她,但有些事情是非常值得怀疑的。我是护士。但不是精神病人的专家。然而她的行为是这样的…她有几次抑郁,有时会哭,她承认自己的想法很有创意,她画画,做衣服,有时她有很多想法,但没有完成,她说话很快,特别是当她遇到新的人时。她接管了谈话,她过去是个双性恋者。 she has since slowed down ( she been to sex addiction classes before) , but now and at times would say some off the wall stuff that has nothing to do with conversation, like tell people she knows pornstars when people don't care. She is taking peroxitine for gen anxiety . She is very smart however she many degrees n is about to be a lawyer..but also has a degree in Buisness n photography.. please help!