
我倾向于保持轻度躁狂的一面,并且绝对喜欢它,因为我有更多的创造力,做更多的事情。我是一名全职音乐教师,晚上我在肥皂生意上工作,同时照顾我的家人,然后我周末工作让我忙起来。我害怕不忙,因为那是抑郁来袭的时候。谢天谢地,我只相信和我的配偶做爱,但他觉得被利用了,因为我一直想做爱,他开始抱怨了。所以,如果我没有正确服药,我就会疯狂消费,不得不控制自己想要超速行驶。我讨厌吃第三剂,因为我喜欢轻度躁狂阶段。我得到摩尔创造性的宏伟的想法。我也很擅长音乐、手工艺和缝纫。我设定目标并完成它们。我也有学士学位,正在攻读音乐硕士学位。 I am very good at anything I put my mind to. I don't relate to lazy people, slackers, and people who are slobs. I also love to manipulate people, especially men with whom I personally hate but need. Hard to explain. I like to play the you can look but not touch game. I live in my own little world and it gets lonely because my husband has prostate cancer and I need sex but can't have it. I'm afraid to masterbate because I have a no stop button and I won't have sex out of marriage because I love God MOORE than my worldly desires. I don't relate to the other women because they are worried about their husbands around me, which they shouldn't because I hate men in general and am only a one man woman. My husband is the lucky man. Plus, most women I know bore me because they don't set high goals, don't care how they look and all they talk about is food, recipes or gossip. I am definitely MOORE creative. I walk the walk I talk, I don't just talk it. I love my hypomania spells, it gives me high energy and MOORE creations. Check out cmooreinspiration, cmooremusic, cmooresoap, and Carol Louise Moore.