
我将告诉你一些关于我的经验。在一群家仍在误诊疾病我注意到一些东西。我们做了小组会议,心理学家提出了一个议程,和afterwwards我们组的评论和讨论。虽然我们谈论副作用的药物,他们说的是不可避免的。这是知道的一些药物导致体重增加,但我们汉族得到更少的食物我通常吃保持体重和我们总是饿。像孩子一样我们的零食那我们吃锁定除了吃什么我们想要从零食柜一天两次但是我们吃wwas记录。如何我能吃到我想的很难?当然没有人饿死但他们买了低脂和无脂项目当然是无味和缺乏食物。但是通过所有这是一个明显的缺乏表达问题的治疗小组会议。他们已经发送你街对面的微妙的威胁任何一个为非合规当然会延迟你出去。 The mental health field by widening its diagnosis with the new dsm will even more send more threats to the average family. People can only be thhreatened for so long before they demand change. Psychiatry through its greed has declared itself unfit to handle our childen our aging mothers who they target with ect, and ultimately you. I'm not the only one who has woken up to the incompetent mishandling and cowardice of your average psychiatrist. I'm not afraid of psychiatrists or of speaking what I know directly to them or their umbrella of front men and government pawns. Just look at your low cost mental center. Everybody walks out with a dumb ass prescription in their hand. I'm not afraid of what they'll do to me anymore and I'm not intimidated by their threats. It's this use of threat that keeps most people in line and their check happily deposited in their bank all the while treating 2 year olds for bipolar. Somebody should put these men and women in jail. If a few of them did go to jail the mass incompetence on their part would have them squealing the lies they've concealed for years.