
如果你观察研究而不是糖片他们使用成分如阿托品导致口干的副作用,而不是只是一个活性成分糖丸,患者认为他们得到了安慰剂效应的抗抑郁药,因此srengthened和患者报告的改善忧郁的抗抑郁药。这在重度抑郁症。等的主题你的推理把我搞胡涂了。你可能不知道,但有视频,等医生认为,培训他们如何调整电压经过制造商的默认设置和如何修改以外的机器是很正常的能力虽然医生不会告诉你当你躺在桌子上。看看等大厅在谷歌首先羞愧。你可能接收不到一剂量“治疗”。有无数的人失去了记忆和忘记家人的纱线。你amivalence这东西我不会推测。如果你发现调入你被宠坏的不安于家人的感情,然后听你描述逻辑,它是你的疾病。我实话实说,你说影响人们直到洗脑没有进一步effet。 But aside from the very serious matter of people's decisions, things in internal medicine actually have a target and an established relationship between the targt the drug interacts with or effects and the therapuetic model that is known to be a culprit in the disorder or pain. In other words they understand what the disease pathway is or the pain model is. What exactly is that antipsychotic you take doing in th brain and what does it do to the patient? Does it stop voices, improve organization, or what or is it just to calm the nervous system and slow down all connections so that florid symptoms are not present? One certainly can'tcompare for instance insulin's effectivenes and antiepressants so I would say there are flaws in what that study is saying exactly.