
我已经服用思瑞康半年多了,直到最近我才注意到,自从我第一次开始服药以来,我没有任何创造性的想法。我这辈子都是作家,写小说。在开始服药之前,我一直在做一个,从那以后我就没有想过这个问题。当我现在这样做的时候,石板上是一片空白。这是无趣的。我试着坐下来,试着想一些东西,因为我总是可以,我的写作瓶颈问题总是不知道如何执行我的想法,但创造力总是在流动。现在它停止了,我真的不知道该怎么办。写作一直是我的生命,是我向世界表达思想的方式,也是我一直热爱的事情。是的,我的生活好多了,不用到处乱转,也不用一直哭。我男朋友和我的关系很好,我没有丢掉工作,现在我生活得很好,我也不只是和朋友们鬼混。 Yeah, my life is better, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to feel like a part of me is now missing. Now matter how hard I try to think of ideas like I used to, I can't, like there's a wall keeping me from being able to access that part of my mind again. And I have considered not refilling my prescription so I can go back to the way things were, but I have to keep telling myself that's not worth it and I prefer how my life is now. So I'm just left in this lost place not knowing what to do, wondering if my creativity will ever come back or if it's gone unless I stop my meds altogether.