
克里斯蒂娜,一个40岁的躁郁症女性,2009年10月被诊断出来,我知道你在说什么。我也有孩子,到达那些“黑暗的地方”,在那里我想结束阴影中的痛苦,但我知道我是为他们而活。我们要为自己而活。虽然服用了情绪稳定剂,但在过去的一个月里,我的情绪还是出现了一些严重的下降,我经常想,这辈子怎么还能继续下去。我知道这是药物调节的问题要达到最稳定的状态。与此同时,我也在努力学习应对技巧,其中之一就是确保选择是基于现实的。无论何时你要冒险,试着用信息武装自己。秋天住院后,我马上在冬天开始上大学课程,以为这些药片能让我稳定下来。航线向南驶去。失败。 The side effects of the drug were slowed cognitive functions (after all, part of the BP symptoms are racing thoughts, so the meds' job is to slow them down). Memory and retention became huge issues. By the time my psychiatrist was able to add another drug to help overcome those issues, I was so backed up in reading and writing assignments, that I couldn't even finish them with a two week extension granted. The point: Once we are stable, or at least feel reasonably confident in taking the next steps to do what we think is necessary, be aware/informed of what influences you have that may either propel you, or possibly bring you to your knees (drug effects, coping strategies, life circumstances, goals, etc.) Make a "pros" and "cons" columns. Know thyself, then plan the plunge. And even if you fall (even 'normal' people fall), have your coping strategies in place. After my fail/fall, I went in the next semester determined not to let BP symptoms overcome my dream. My expectations were more realistic. My motivation is consistent. I learned to know what I didn't know and move forward, with the realization. The result: This class (3rd year), I'm now in my last week with an expected low A for a grade (having had learned to work through my depression).