
我想我14岁的儿子可能有多动症。我丈夫不相信这种事。他只是因为沮丧对我儿子大吼大叫。我试过和我儿子讨论这个问题,但他拒绝了。他说他只是没有努力,会做得更好。即使我试着向他解释,他还是认为自己有注意力缺陷多动症是愚蠢的。他的成绩越来越差了。他每天早上起床和出门都是最困难的。他似乎无法适应高中生活,因为这是他的第一年。他在篮球方面很有天赋;还有一个可取之处。 I don't know what to do to help him anymore. I do not have the money or resources it seems. He has already failed one semester of science. He tells me that the teachers are not teaching him anything & school is a waste of time. He is a good kid...I really feel like he is not being taught the way he needs to be taught. I don't know what to do & am overwhelmed as I work full time, have financial issues & depression/anxiety myself.